vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Biologie Moléculaire

Biologie Moléculaire

Table de Matière :

  • Partie I : La structure des acides nucléiques
Chapitre 1 : Molécules simples
Chapitre 2 : Les acides nucléiques

  • Partie II : Biosynthèse des macromolécules
Chapitre 3 : DNA Définitions
Chapitre 4 : La transcription
Chapitre 5 : La traduction
Chapitre 6 : La réplication
Chapitre 7 : La réparation

  • Partie III : Les événements génétiques
Chapitre 8 : Substitutions
Chapitre 9 : Mutations
Chapitre 10 : Insertions - délétions
Chapitre 11 : Transpositions

  • Partie IV : L’évolution
Chapitre 12 : Divergence
Chapitre 13 : Familles de gènes

  • Partie V : Le DNA au laboratoire
Chapitre 14 : Méthodes d’étude

Voir aussi : 

mardi 28 octobre 2014

iHealth Launches New Wristworn Pulse Oximeter, Ambulatory Heart and Blood Pressure Monitors at CES 2014

iHealth (Mountain View,CA), a subsidiary of China-based Andon Health, launched a new wristworn

dimanche 19 octobre 2014


Electronic fetal heart monitoring is commonly used for tracking how well the baby is doing within the contracting uterus and for detecting signs of fetal distress.

mercredi 8 octobre 2014

Carte interface de supervision par le réseau GSM utilisant un PIC16F877

Ce Projet consiste à réaliser une carte interface de supervision par le réseau GSM utilisant un PIC16F877 et les commandes AT.
En pensant à la technologie de télécommunication GSM, il nous vient immédiatement à l’esprit la communication vocale, l’envoi et la réception des SMS et des MMS, l’internet mobile, et tous ce qui fonctionne en utilisant cette technologie moderne introduite dans notre vie quotidienne.
Il est moins évident de penser, qu’en se servant de ces services fournis à travers ce système, il est possible de contrôler et de commander des systèmes à distance en ayant recours au réseau GSM. Des applications peuvent être utilisées dans divers domaines comme le contrôle et la commande à distance des machines, des systèmes d’alarme et de surveillance, de commander des portes ou d’allumer des lampes…
Il s’agit d’une carte d’acquisition des données numérique et analogiques et de commande des relais à base d’un microcontrôleur PIC16F877.

Carte interface de supervision  par le réseau GSM utilisant un PIC16F877

Cette carte est capable d’acquérir huit entrées analogiques et huit entrées numériques, ainsi que la régulation et la génération des signaux de commande des huit relais. 
Cette carte est polyvalente, capable de gérer diverses applications. 

Carte interface de supervision  par le réseau GSM utilisant un PIC16F877

Le fonctionnement du système est simple il suffît d’envoyer à l’aide d’un téléphone portable un SMS comportant une commande au module GSM


Carte interface de supervision  par le réseau GSM utilisant un PIC16F877

Source :

lundi 6 octobre 2014

7 Free eBooks On Semiconductors!

7 Free eBooks On Semiconductors!

Semiconductors are indispensible in electronics. So here are 7 free ebooks that will help you understand the basics to the principles of semiconductors - the soul of electronics. good reading!


No its not a joke, 
its a little known fact, that Britney Spears is a semiconductor physics expert. This book will take you through the fundamentals of the vital components of semiconductor laser that have made it possible to hear her super music in a digital format.

2. Optical Properties of Semiconductors
Author: Jerome Faist 

This text gives a broad overview of the basic physical processes that govern the interaction between the light and semiconductor. The goal was to show the richness of the topic and to show the thread connecting the original research of the sixties and today's literature.

3. Semiconductor Technologies
Jan Grym 

Semiconductor technologies continue to evolve and amaze us. New materials, new structures, new manufacturing tools, and new advancements in modelling and simulation form a breeding ground for novel high performance electronic and photonic devices. This book covers all aspects of semiconductor technology concerning materials, technological processes, and devices, including their modelling, design, integration, and manufacturing.

4. Optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures: decoherence versus quantum control
Author: Ulrich Hohenester


Optical spectroscopy and quantum control of semiconductor quantum dots has become a vivid field of research. This book reviews the recent progress in theory and experiments is reviewed, with emphasis on theoretical and computational concepts.

5. Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures 
Author: C.W.J. Beenakker, H. van Houten

This book is self-contained account of three novel transport regimes in semiconductor nanostructures. It talks about the experimental and theoretical developments in this field.

6. Principles of Semiconductor Devices 
Author: Bart Van Zeghbroeck

The purpose of this textbook is to explore the internal behavior of semiconductor devices, so that we can understand the relation between the device geometry and material parameters on one hand and the resulting electrical characteristics on the other hand. This textbook provides the link between the physics of semiconductors and the design of electronic circuits. The material covered in this text is therefore required to successfully design CMOS-based integrated circuits.

7. Microelectronic Devices and Circuits 
Author: Clifton G. Fonstad 

Combining semiconductor device physics and modeling with electronic circuit analysis and practice in a single sophomore/junior level microelectronics course, this textbook offers an integrated approach so students can truly understand the interaction between semiconductor physics, device structure, and integrated circuit design and operation.

dimanche 5 octobre 2014

Mobile Controlled Home Appliances without Microcontroller

Sometimes unfortunately we may forget switch off the appliances while going to the outside and we face the problems to switch off these devices when we are out of home. To solve these types of problems this article explains you how to design a simple circuit, which will on the devices remotely and devices will off automatically after the specified time interval. Till now we have seen so many circuits to control the devices or appliances from the remote place but the main advantage of this circuit is simple because we are not using any microcontroller in this circuit and it uses the components which are easily available in the market. We have already seen How DTMF Controlled Home Automation System Circuit Works using Microcontroller in the earlier post.

Mobile Controlled Home Appliances Circuit Principle:

The main principle used in this circuit is DTMF communication. DTMF is acronym for Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency. When you make a call to customer care service they will ask you to press the numbers to provide the appropriate services. If you think about how they are recognizing the pressed number then DTMF comes on the picture.
If you press the button in your mobile phone then a tone is generated with 2 frequencies. These 2 frequencies of the tone are row and column frequencies of that particular button. For example if you press the button 1 then a tone generated with the sum of 697 Hz and 1209 Hz. The below table show you the row and column frequencies of a DTMF keypad.
Frequency Range
These generated tones are decoded at switching centre to determine which button is pressed. Now we have to use this DTMF tones to control the devices from remote area. To decode these DTMF tones at receiver we need to use a DTMF decoder. Decoder IC converts these tones into the digital form. For example if you press number ‘5’ in mobile keypad then the output of DTMF decoder is ‘0101’.

Cellphone Controlled Home Appliances Circuit Diagram without Microcontroller:

      Mobile Controlled Home Appliances Circuit Diagram
                           without Microcontroller


Circuit Components:
  • MT8870 DTMF decoder
  • NE555 timer IC
  • 5V relay
  • 230V, 50 Hz AC motor
  • BC548 transistors – 2
  • 3.579 MHz crystal
  • Pot – 4.7M ohm
  • 2.5mm audio jack
  • red LED
  • Electrolytic capacitor – 470uF
  • 1n4007 Diodes – 5
  • 0.1uF Ceramic capacitors – 3
  • Resistors (1/4 watt) – 150k, 1k, 390k, 10k, 100k, 2.2k, 1M, 220
  • Connecting wires
  • Bread board

Mobile Phone Controlled Home Automation System Design without Microcontroller:

The main components in this circuit are MT8870 DTMF decoder and 555 timer. Here 555 timer operates in monostable mode. When you make a call to the mobile which is connected at the receiver end, MT8870 IC provides high pulse at 15th pin after receiving a valid signal. Now if you press 7 from the mobile the output decoder IC will trigger the 2nd pin of 555 timer. As a result the output at 3rd pin of 555 timer becomes high, so that transistor Q2 starts conducting because of this LED and device on. The device on time can be varied by varying the Pot RV1 and capacitor C4. The device on time can be calculated using the formula
Time = 1.1 * RV1 * C4 sec.
In the above circuit device become on only when all the outputs of DTMF decoder (pin 11, pin12, pin13 and pin15) are high. To make all the outputs of DTMF decoder high we need to press number 7 from the dialed mobile.

How to Operate DTMF Controlled Home Automation System without Microcontroller?

  1. Give the connections as per the circuit diagram.
  2. While giving the connections, make sure that there is no common connection between AC and DC supplies.
  3. Solder a two pin connector to the audio jack
  4. Insert the audio jack to the receiver mobile and keep the receiver mobile in auto answer mode.
  5. Receiver mobile should be in general profile and keypad tones should be in sound mode.
  6. Now make a call to the receiver mobile as it is in the auto answer mode it will pick up the call automatically.
  7. When ring stops press number 7 in your mobile, now you can observe that both LED and device will on for some time and switches off.

DTMF Controlled Home Automation System without Microcontroller Circuit Advantages:

  • We can avoid the wastage of power
  • We can control the devices from long distances also

DTMF Mobile Controlled Home Appliances Circuit Applications:

  1. Used to control the home appliances
  2. We can control the robot using this technology
  3. This circuit is used to control the water tank motor by setting the on time
Circuit Limitations:
  • Security is not provided, anyone can control by making a call to the receiver mobile
  • Number of devices which we can connect to the circuit is limited.

  • Source:
